I have been sorely disappointed with bat. life, actually.
That's because I came from the 700p with Seidio extended battery.
The one that doesn't make it bigger and give I think 2600mah.
So, yeah, it lasts about 1/2 as much, BUT
the smaller form factor, which is related, is more worth it.
I am definitely getting the Seidio Skeeg mentioned,
but as this is a small unit that is still only 1350mah-
unless you turn your phone into a fatty.
At $40 for a 10% boost I will wait until I have more spending $.
With the long days I work, I do need a few more charges.
It depends how much surfing, gaming, and talking I do of course.
The best help has been the USB charger that goes in my car.
This way I can charge often.
I also have resorted to some trickery-
1) I dont use GPS on cell-phone often so I turn off the GPS antenna.
2) I have a handy bluetooth toggle on/off on my today screen.
I turn bluetooth off unless I am driving.
This may help secure my phone a bit too.
3) I leave wifi off too and rarely use it
4) I regularly press and hold 'ok' then 'end all tasks'
5) I like the screen saver a LOT, but Treo Alerts Pro is better.
This can blink the LED to let you know what is up.
It is a lot like the alert portion of Butler, one of the best apps
of all time for Palm OS Treos.
The screen saver definitely eats the battery noticably faster.
Since implementing these tricks, my battery lasts all day except for those 12+ hour of work, emotional conversation kind of loooong days.
Oh yeah, there are some registry tweaks like the dimming of screen, control of kybd light, and battery warning that help too.