Originally Posted by furiousgtz
I went to get some more black dye and they are out. Went to two different stores..the demand for RIT DYE has gone up
Heh...I decided to try it this weekend so I went to WalMart in Sacramento..one of the bigger stores (in Natomas) and they were all out of black. In fact even blue. Hmmm....may be more Touch Pro owners in Sac than previously thought? Lots of brown, tan, green and other colours but not black.
So I found black at Rite Aid back home in Grass Valley for $3.18 a box (plus sales tax). Man, were did the OP and others find $1.48 RIT dye? Probably some place OTHER than California, I bet.
I also got a box of royal blue for another cover to try. Now just gotta go score a second cover...