Originally Posted by meatgel
I was assuming. I didn't search out the patent. If you think about it, think about the chips in phones. There are many kinds of chips used from a few different companies. Could you imagine if one company patented "chips" just broadly ... It's the process, the "how it works" that is patented. Each company's chip is based in slightly different technology so they can each make their own.
Say you need to get somewhere and you take one route and another guy takes a different route, but you make it to the same place ... you both "claim" your routes as your own and charge fees for others to be on you respective routes. That's how I look at it.
But, no, I don't read patents... they are over my head.
do u know that sirfstar III chipsets is on the verge of being banned in the us for patent infridgement against broadcom? what do u mean u dont patent the chip?