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Old 12-06-2008, 01:13 PM
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Re: Diamonds on eBay

Originally Posted by SComp23 View Post
First off, no one has proven without a doubt all of these transactions are a product of fraud. As it stands right now, it's all a bunch of speculation by posters on an internet forum. I personally called Sprint twice as well as Asurion and they both said this was not a problem, so let's try and stop with the fear mongering and accusing people of being in possession of stolen property.
So let me get this straight... You called them and explained the situation of receiving a phone that was obviously linked to someone else's account, that you aren't that person, and they said it was not a problem?

If this is accurate, and sprint is good about taking these charges off of the fraud victims' accounts, then all of us might be out of the water on this one.
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