Originally Posted by lawmangrant
Where's your kitchen Calcu??? Hope everything is ok with it!
I just finished RC3 yesterday, so if that goes well, I think I may release it and add extra features as I go
Originally Posted by flickmaker
Wow, 3.3 is now running great. Thanks a lot for all your hard work.
Originally Posted by 06MS6
Wow, think I'm going to be a Calcu fan from now on...this ROM is very fast, loving it.
Thanks for all the hard work!
No problem, glad you guys like it
Originally Posted by egriffin
Hey Calc, trying your rom now. Wow, is it fast! Two things I notice are the wifi setting in the comm tab is grayed out. I can start it using the menu and going directly to the wireless lan area. Also, the full keyboard in landscape mode goes beyond the viewable area. Will you be
including MS voice command in the cab options? Thanks for your work. I look forward to trying my hand in your kitchen when it comes available!
Edit: I just noticed the comment on the first page about the Blackstone
keyboard (very small print), sorry!
What ROM are you using because in both of my comm managers, wifi is fine. As for the blackstone keyboard, yeah in landscape it does that but if you don't like it, just install the ezinput cab on the first page to get back the regular diamond one