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Old 12-06-2008, 10:58 AM
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Re: New Diamond Swap, Different REV.

One of my employees just left my house after dropping off a cicso iad router. He has one of the new revision phones. He wouldnt let me open it but I can tell the folowing.

My diamond has some strange things and ive heared others as well like light bleeding and the display poping up on the lower left hand corner. And the front buttons poping up in corners. The new revision is smooth and quite dont creek at all like mine does.

I started a data session and let the screen stay lit and dont even get warm at all. Of course mine dont either after using the verizon radio rom. I used an envolope scale and weighd both phones the revised phone was heavier but .003 grams. Heatsheild installed? perhaps. I did notice that under the batt cover looked the same on both diamonds so perhaps something added inside? would be nice to take one apart and see. Im going to try get mine exchanged and ill open it.
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