Is this phone for me?
I’ve read over the faqs and threads (and I am sure I missed something) but I am still not clear on something.
To start off with what I am looking for is a device that will:
a.Allow me to use IM (AOL, Yahoo, MSN, etc). It seems there is software for this that lets me do that.
b.Allow me to browse the web. Now I have read threads that say people use the IE on it or get Opera but I haven’t seen videos/pictures of how it works and how the websites actually look. Any links to this would be appreciated.
c.Allow me to get directions. Now Google maps or MSN equivalent seem to do this? Basically how do I get from A to B and then get the nifty map I can zoom in on, etc. while driving or whatnot.
d.This is the big on that I am confused on. Turn by Turn directions, is this offered for this phone? From sprint I see they have a navigation option for this but does it actually work on this phone?
Is this the phone that will allow me achieve what I want or are there other phones someone might recommend?