Re: Finally sprint agree to swap me from 6800 to touch pro when it release.
Well onto my second Ecare email. Just got off the phone with Retentions who reffered me to a supervisor, which offered me the TP for $304. Said it's either that place a claim with Assurion, take a free swap, or cal Assurion to see if they will give me what I want. She said sometimes they are "out of stock" (did she really expect me to believe that?) and they may have to upgrade me to the TP (Duh!). I sent HTC a email too. Was really hoping since I've been with them 6 year, plus the successes you guys have been able to pull down, I'd get SOME kind of luck. Oh well, I'll hang in there for as long as I can. Maybe I'll get one before Christmas. Before New Years if I'm lucky. Good luck out there guys n gals. Hope you all are fairing better.
Destroy All Humans!!!!
There's a fine line between crazy and stupid...
...and I'm just playing stupid.... 