Originally Posted by Curb71
I got an entire 16 or so hours out of my battery with 3.5.1. Just pulled my phone off the charger 2.5 hours ago with 100% and its already down to 40% and quite hot. Guess Ill try out 3.7.1 until 3.10 comes out. Thanks Juicy for all your hard work.
I have been on the stock rom since I got my phone a couple of months ago, but I have been watching the juicy roms and decided to take the plunge when 3.9 go great reviews. My main reason flashing was for battery life, and so far it has been horrible. Today is my second day with 3.9 and after 6 hours I am down to 30% with light usage. I have spent about 20 min. talking on the phone, used the internet for about 7 min and sent out 4 texts. Could it be something else that is draining the battery?