Originally Posted by hessien
I unzipped the file and placed the created folder into the user oem folder in the buildos folder, ran the kitchen..tried to build a rom..and got that error..after saying yes to overide files. Last file it asks about is verinfou.dll..then errors out.
Stops at this point in the build OS Status:
Scanning USER_OEM\ManilaBlueDiamond2D
Compiling Device Manifest
Compiling Files
skipped C:\Program Files\PPCkitchen\BuildOS\USER_OEM\ManilaBlueDiamon d2D\option.xml
did you leave the zipfile in there?
redownload the lastest file.
in my buildOS stauts :
skipped C:\Program Files\PPCkitchen.org\BuildOS\USER_OEM\ManilaBlueDi amond2D\option.xml
Scanning USER_OEM\MaxxManilaBlueDiamond2Apache
skipped because ffffffff-9c9f-43bb-87a7-4595617ad821 in exclude list
Scanning USER_OEM\Skyfire build 2
skipped because ffffffff-403c-4f63-9404-32cc1a58e625 in exclude list
then it goes on building rom.