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Old 12-04-2008, 12:23 AM
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Re: InvisibleShield vs Bodyguardz

For starters, sorry about the emoticoms. I've been drinking.

I got my Best Skins Ever today. I ordered on the evening of 11/29, so it took 4 whopping days, including the weekend.
I spent a total of $9.99 w/ shipping (it would've been cheaper had I bought 2)

rFletch12's findings about the BSE a few pages back are pretty dead on.

Yes, the BSE is a sticky, but that's a selling point to me - I don't want to drop this $400 #%*@ extension .
That said, I put another skin on the screen that I had already ordered before I discovered this post hoping it would be slicker. IMO, pretty pointless since it feels about the same and doesn't fit as well. I'll prolly put the BSE screen protector on later.

My advice:
-Go with the one you feel good about, rFletch12 and myself got the cheap one and their fine, so I'm sure the higher priced one's are fine too.

-When applying, BE PATIENT, BE PREPARED, and FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS (I printed them out off the website and READ them before heading to the hot, steamy bathroom), make sure you have adequite (< how do u spell that?) lighting.
** I repeat, if you got bad eyes, you might have someone else help you out.**
-If the "wing tips" won't stay down, step away for 5 or 10 minutes, then come back and push them down. the stuff needs to activate.
-The little chrome piece below the button pad was prolly the biggest pain the ***, but otherwise it wasn't too bad.
-I used alcohol wipes a lot, so get some of them, and yes you'll need to whip up a little water and dish soap concotion (<dam, there's another one)
-Air bubbles weren't an issue, I kept things pretty slippery and wet.
-Anyway, here's some pictures. They may not be doing any justice because, other than the 3rd party screen protector, this sucker looks good (the photos were taken an hour after install). Don't forget, the screen protector in the photos is a different brand.

I made links since picts are fairly big and I'm not sure how to make thumbnails:

Last edited by GRB; 12-06-2008 at 03:13 PM.
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