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Old 12-03-2008, 09:54 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Cleanup (Sprint Edition)

Originally Posted by reekotubbs View Post
Have you came up with the utility you mention above yet?
Sorry, but I haven't... have been really busy at work lately. I'll try to do that this weekend if I get a chance.

Originally Posted by dimitri View Post
Hard Resets don't scare me. Lets have at it.
Do me a favor then (assuming you want a full cleanup package)... hard reset, and then grab a copy of \Windows\Start Menu and zip it into a file that keeps the original folder structure in tact. I sent you my email in a private message, so email the zip file to me, and I'll work on it this weekend. In the mean time, you might give the Tweaks Only package a try and see if you can find any issues.
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