Originally Posted by hessien
Did that..installed it using WM6.1_96DPI_QVGA_20931_0409. WM6.1_96DPI_QVGA_20924_0409 and WM6.1_96DPI_QVGA_20755_0409 and kept getting the "Touch here" loop. Installed the patch that took care of the issues in the past..and still no change. Any ideas?
I dunno about loop unless when running buildOS, it asks you to overright, you must click "yes".
You must also hard reset after flash.
The patch does not work anywhere in the new kitchen at all. That was just for speed problem by implementing an "older services.exe" file, since the newer services.exe doesn't run properly at all unless forced to do so, by a"SafeMode" restart, by "SPB PocketPlus" which makes it run as intended.
However, existing patch in Apache core rar works fine.
Originally Posted by hessien
Used the newest manillabluediamond2d in the kitchen and I get the following error when I try to build the rom:
"Could not find file C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\hIq Inc\PPC-BuildOS\\temp\dump\ManillaBlueDiamond2D\imageinfo.bin"
Any ideas?
I dont think you put manila2D folder in right place for it to say that. Those folders should never be touched.
resart kitchen and use new selections file.