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Old 12-03-2008, 05:14 PM
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Re: [11-29-08] eRice TP Kitchen v1.03.7 [SYS OS 5.2.20931 Build 20931.1.5.0]

Originally Posted by leoiden View Post
i hope you dont mind me asking but is there anything unique about this build that is better than your previous kitchen because i dont see anything
i think your older kitchen had updated appls which i found worth to update but
your newer build has older appls totaly sucks there nothing like finding and installing newer oem application build for example jetcetprint,windows live,, voice command ,etc.,.,.
since the OEM apps were split from the rom, you can replace the OEM with newer updated versions from either the previous kitchens or newer you find elsewhere. if you have a newer jetcet than what i included, replace it. that's what the kitchen is for.

as for this build, I found that this is the only 2xxxx build that resolves the text unread count issue, and I feel it to be faster than other builds as well, but of course that evaluation is subjective.
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