Originally Posted by RockSta®
* A sucessor to the instinct huh?.....hmmmm.......now what would be the perfect upgrade to the instinct.....hmmmmm....the Samsung OMNIA maybe......just saying....
lol... I think the Omnia would be too pricey for entry level smart phone territory.. Not to say the Instinct is a smart phone.. It is not.. Anyways, I believe Sprint would have chose the Omnia instead of the Instinct if that was their game plan..
Actually.. With Sprint having the Diamond from HTC, and no clear idea if Verizon will get a version (it's rumored anyway) of their own, this could be their touchscreen smart phone that has no keyboard... They have the TP and the Omnia.. Sprint has the TP and the Diamond.. Don't want a million phones with similiar features competing for a limited set of customers.. That will canibalize sales for Verizon.. No need to spend money on two similiar products to get them FCC-approved if they will compete with each other...