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Old 12-03-2008, 10:21 AM
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Re: TP Locking Up Overnight

My god.

This thread is bad luck. I've had SIX Touch Pro's, and I've used them all as my primary alarm, and of course, after posting in this thread yesterday, my TP freezes overnight. This is unacceptable. I just woke up an hour late.

I did install a few programs yesterday, like OctroTalk and Fring, but I uninstalled Fring, because it didn't work right... then it didn't uninstall right either.

When I went to sleep, the only things running were ActiveSync for Exchange, OctroTalk, and Batlog, constantly logging. I guess I can see when my phone crashed...

edit: here is my log from last night. It was frozen, (wouldn't wake up,) but clearly it was still working in the background. Sounds like our phones are going into some sort of infinite-loop or something.

edit: nevermind PPCgeeks won't let me attach it.

I also find it interesting that my batterylevel starts out at 30C, and my battery is already fully-charged when I plug it in to go to sleep. It continues to rise to 33.5C throughout the night.

This charging circuit needs some serious attention.

Last edited by ScrapMaker; 12-03-2008 at 10:37 AM.
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