Originally Posted by DrFunk1
I read somewhere where they pay for song usage like a radio station. The advent of the iphone/touch app was causing them a great deal of financial difficulty. I love the app and would pay a small monthly fee for it(around 1-2 bucks) or something like 10 bucks for a yearly superscription. I would never pay 8.99 a month, that's just dumb IMO.
Well Pandora is ad-supported. You can become a premium member to get rid of the ads for $36 which I would do. Sprint phones cost $2.99 / month I think, but gives you full pandora premium membership, so it is breakeven. Too bad Sprint doesnt have a WM client.
Originally Posted by BigDiesel07
I think you are right on that regards.. The cost to steam each song, royalty rates, I think increased.. I am not sure though... Until then, I just go here for my FM radio streaming needs...
Why would you use that when you have the feature-rich Kinoma player