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Old 12-03-2008, 08:53 AM
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Enable Repeat Sounds for Text Message Notifications

Added the following:
19. Enable repeat sound option in Sounds & Notification for text messages.
change options from 0 to 1073741849 (Dec)

No need to reset, in Sounds & Notifications on the Notifications tab check the repeat box.
Works with sound only, still vibrates only once but the sound will repeat until you dismiss.

In addition to the above, if you switched from Palm SMS to WM6.1 SMS, via Hannips Palm-WM SMS switch, and you want to enable repeated notifications, then make the following change...

change options from 0 to 1073741849 (Dec)

In Sounds & Notifications, you need to enable only one of them. Otherwise, if you have both on, you will keep hearing your sound
notification, even after deleting your text.
Join the PPCGeeks Group in Google Maps with Latitude
Originally Posted by Big D5
Lesson learned don't work on PPC while drinking.
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