Originally Posted by movax
Sorry - I'm still unclear as to what you mean 'from Asurion'? I'm aware they are the insurance provider for Sprint, are these eBay phones suspect stolen/returned? Mine seemed 100% sealed like I said.
Activation I did online without any hassles.
Not stolen but more along the lines of obtained through a loophole. Read a couple threads above and you'll see what I'm talking about. I have no idea if our seller is doing the same thing but at the price it was going for it could be likely. For anyone else getting an Asurion packing slip, could it be removed and then shipped, basically voiding any evidence it was an insurance replacement phone in the first place?
Originally Posted by yougivemerash!!!
One thing though, if you are saying there might be a $200 charge for not shipping a phone back to Asurion, how can they do that if you don't even have phone insurance on your plan?
That's what I was thinking as well. How could they charge you this? Especially if you get the $50 waived for the same reason?