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Old 12-03-2008, 01:43 AM's Avatar
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Re: Official Specs of Samsung Omnia...

I just have three MAJOR questions:

My HTC TP is locked down to no end.

I cannot get integration between outlook and the navigation, something my Mogul did without a complaint...if Sprint had service here, I might actually have stayed with them...

Will the Samsung have integration between outlook and the navigation?

Will the GPS be so locked that I cannot use other programs for the same purpose?

Will the BT stack aslo be crippled to the point of retardation and not hook to my laptop or desktop?

I started with the Storm, that is a disaster waiting for a lawsuit. VZ sent me an HTC Touch, nice, but the screen is damn small and I can't even get my home city into weather or navigate without copying my client data onto paper and then back into the same device...!!! That is a waste of effort and time.

So, now I wonder what phone has a touch screen, PDA, Nav, Bluetooth...and they work together...