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Old 12-03-2008, 01:31 AM
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data/gps problems

i am having issues with my data/gps. it's way too slow. I upgraded my vzw touch to the bell radio 3.42.5 and used various roms. i did the agps fix and everything worked great. my highest result at was 1100kb/s and i would get 7 locks with google maps and msft live within seconds.

my problems began when i installed the vzw leaked rom. i did not let customizations run. i reinstalled the rom i was using prior to the new radio (nfsfan 1.06). it seemed like the data was really slow and i was having problems with my gps locking. i only get 1 sat lock on the clearest day. i swtiched back to the bell radio but things are still the same.

any help would be great!!!