Originally Posted by LilRico
I had the whole die in there... Maybe not enough water is the reason though...
Well I just boiled it to get it hot, the cover didn't go in with boiling water. I had about a cup, and I added the entire pack of dye, when I did that I put it on medium.... When I was all done, I picked it up with my fingers, so it wasn't that hot.
Here's how mine came out:
Should I just re-do it again, or do I need a new cover?
All you need to do is just buff it... it is supposed to look like this when taken fresh out of the pot...
Originally Posted by gator352
Get the rit dye remover and start over.....can't hurt. If you don't like the way it turned out, your gonna need a new cover anyways.
no new cover is needed, and using the dye remover will not be effective in this case... if it
were actually messed up somehow you would just re-dye again... but it's not it just needs to be buffed with a dark cloth...