Originally Posted by namtaru
Oh hey its the forum sprint fanboys... whats up guys....
If you're asking which is the better phone then the answer would be the XV6850
Eh I bought the vzw touch pro and it wasent that great. Out of the box 46 megs of free ram, touch flo 3d disabled. Enabled it and it lagged like crazy terrible. Technically I guess its a better phone, however for 350 bucks its not a better phone. My titan right now (xv6800) can do way more than the TP out of the box and as of yet I havent seen any hacks to unlock the GPS or anything for the vzw touch pro. I was so pissed off with verizon I moved the entire family to sprint and dont regret doing so. Honestly if its even a remote option (going with sprint that is) I would look into switching over to sprint and just paying the early term fee. Even payin the early term fee I will be breaking even in a few months with the amount of money im saving with sprint right now. And I got a phone that had 2x the stats of the vzw phone for 260 dollars so the writing was on the wall for me I couldent make up excuses any longer as to why I was still with vzw. So far so good no looking back yet.
Dont know if that helps you much or not hopefully it dose. Honestly if I was to stick with vzw I think you would be best off to just ebay a sprint TP or alltell one and activate it on the vzw network viz the guide that I have seen posted here.
That would be the biggest bang for your buck, cause vzw is going to rape you on that phone and its only "half the man" the sprint phone is.
SO.... good luck my freind im a now happy x vzw customer (and was a vzw customer for 6 long years)