Originally Posted by micro254
i think you water was to hot blue has a whay of turning things black if it is over heated
Originally Posted by Merdinh
maybe you had to much water, and didnt add enought Dyre, i pored the whole dye in the bag into a small pot and let it cook for about 10 minutes, and came out beautiful
I had the whole die in there... Maybe not enough water is the reason though...
Originally Posted by TreyBeno
Look Ive done more of these covers than anybody by now and why in the heck are u boiling the water in the first place. Just get it hot enough to barely see vapors. Like XWEAPONX said just hot enogh that u can only hold ur finger in for a sec or two. Like scalding running water from the tap. THEN stir in the color and let it dissolve all the way for about 5 minutes. Then check the cover every 5 minutes until the desired hue is ready. THEN rinse under cold water and rub with ur hands and ur done. As someone who knows chemistry u probably had the water too hot and broke down the dye. Also if the color looks black u probably used too much dye or cooked it too long. And make sure to wash it with soap and water first and rinse completely
Well I just boiled it to get it hot, the cover didn't go in with boiling water. I had about a cup, and I added the entire pack of dye, when I did that I put it on medium.... When I was all done, I picked it up with my fingers, so it wasn't that hot.
Here's how mine came out:
Should I just re-do it again, or do I need a new cover?
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