I'm simply the messenger:
Originally Posted by Ebag333
Thanks to NightRaven and Vetack for their hard work in improving the 700wx's 6.1 ROM, they figured out the settings needed for enabling MMS in Palm's Threaded Messaging.
These are the registry settings needed:
"NetworkProfile"="The Internet"
Sending an MMS:
Viewing a sent MMS:
MMS Alert:
MMS in threaded conversation:
MMS Body:
Sprint PictureMail Page:
Things to know:[list][*]Any text you add to the message/body won't get displayed to the person you are sending the MMS to (at least not with Sprint).[*]You can only send one picture/video/sound at a time.[/list
To install:
Download the CAB at the end of this post, and run on your 800w.