Originally Posted by jimd144
The screen is too small for me to see with that resolution. I can view the iphone with no reading glasses. I have to put on glasses to see the Touch. When you are over 40 you will see (or not see) what I am talking about.
Believe me Jim, I know what you are talking about! Even on my XP laptop (which I use almost exclusively and has a 14" screen) I sometimes have trouble making out details. But there I have a handy little utility - a 'virtual magnifying glass' - I'm on a hunt to find somthing similar for WM - and a touch version would be great.
If you've ever played DS Millionheir, I like the way you can move around a 'viewport' on the touchscreen with your finger. The scroll wheel zoom is ok, but a magnifying 'viewport' on the Pro you could move around and scroll with - I'd like that!