Seen this thread XDA and figured would post it up here for those who do not venture over to XDA. Pretty good collection and I have tried quite a few of them. Feel free to add to this.
Video Removed
Lunar Tilt .............
Sensor Maze
G-Invaders .............
Video.....................<update 09-01-03>
Diamond Beer v2 .............
Video........................<Updated 08-10-16>
Magic 8 Ball
Sensory Overload .............
Diamond VR Hologram.............
Diamond Cubes Dice Simulator .............
Video...........................<Updated 08-11-02>
PocketGravity - G-sensor enabled physics simulator .............
DoubleSkill - Gsensor enabled game
Resco Bubbles Teeter-like commercial Game ........
G-Flow G-sensor stylish game .......
YAGBT (G-Sensor ball game) .............
TouchDown (platform-like helicopter game)
GPong2D (G-Sensor Pong Game) .............
Video......................<added 08-10-19>
BeMario Act the role of Mario in real life, with sound effects.......
Video (demonstrated on a G1).................<Added 08-11-23>
Spin the bottle (Spin the bottle simulator) . ......................
Video....................... <added 08-11-24>
Navtris G-sensor and Navi-wheel Tetris game .......
Video.........................<updated 08-12-13>
SnowStorm 2 Simulated snow globe .......
Video.........................<added 08-12-08>
Marble World 2 Commercial Marble Madness game ...........<added 08-12-27>
Gravity Balls Space Invaders type Game ...........<added 09-02-20>
Aquarium Floating G-sensor-responsive fish ...........<added 09-03-04>
Shake and Win Magic 8 ball game...........<added 09-04-25>
Ball Physics Ball and gravity simulation game...........<added 09-04-25>
Gravity Pong Pong game using G-sensor...........<added 09-04-25>
Boing Bouncing Ball platformer...........<added 09-04-25>
Kai's Bubble Level.Net
Water Level / Spirit Level
Waterlevel 0.2.............
Diamond Profile Switcher
Diamond Shaker
Klaxon G Sensor Enabled Alarm Clock......................<Updated 08-10-21>
G-Controller Viewflo for HTC Diamond
Gyrator 2....Now works with ALL Diamond/Touch Pro Varients ................ <updated 08-10-13>
G-Remote G-Mouse .............
Video......................<updated 08-11-11>
Official G-Sensor callibrator for HTC Diamond
SensorLock .............
Video...............<Updated 08-10-01>
Seismo G-Force seismometer app .............
Styluslock v1.6 Lock Diamond using stylus sensor .............
Video.................<updated 08-11-10>
GStopwatch Start and stop the stop watch by flipping your phone
Crazy Musik - change current track using g-sensor .............
G-Alarm G-sensor-enabled alarm app..............................<update 08-10-31>
PocketShield - Advanced device lock software using g-sensor and light sensor .............
Flipit (GNes- derived screen rotation app) .....................<added 08-11-20>
Answerkey Disabler Stop onscreen phone keys from answering call, disabled using stylus sensor .....................<added 08-10-20>
G-Light Replace automatic backlight adjustment with your own settings.....................<Updated 08-11-04>
TouchLockPro v1.9 (capacitive sensor-based phone lock application) . ......................<Updated 08-12-21>
LevelSight (auto-backlight app) . ......................<added 08-11-16>
Lumos (Complete HTC Auto-Backlight replacement) . ......................<added 08-11-30>
GScroll - scroll using the capacitive navi-pad .............
Video.......................<added 08-12-08>
G-Locker - Gesture-based phone locker ............. <added 08-12-14>
virtual d-pad - G-sensor based cursor control for the HTC Touch HD............. <added 09-01-22>
SensorScroll v0.5 - Scroll using the Navi-wheel on the HTC Touch Diamond/Pro............. <added 09-01-26>
Touch In Call Tweak - Stops screen blanking during phone calls............. <added 09-03-04>
G-Config - Easy configuration of new G-Sensor screen rotation service............. <added 09-03-04>
Shake and Win - Generate lottery numbers by shaking your phone............. <added 09-04-25>
3D Model Viewer .............
Pocket G-Force G-force recording app .............
Video .............. <Update 08-11-11>
Black Box G Logger
gMeter Car G-Force measuring app.
Diamond/Omnia G-Sensor SDK The SDK that makes it all possible.........................<added 08-10-04>
GL Maps G-sensor responsive google maps viewer with seattle bus info......... <Added 08-10-14>
Pedometer Measure your steps and calorie usage......... <Updated 08-12-16>
Shocktester Visualize G-sensor output......... <Updated 09-01-04>
Dont Touch Me G-sensor based burglar alarm......... <Added 09-01-022
Many apps need .Net CF, which can be downloaded in cab form here.
Credit to
surur at XDA for his post here [Ref] Sensor Applications