Raoming on the Q
I just checked my bill... I'm in Arizona and two of my lines are in California. Turns out my little sister was charged approx. $ 95 for making a phone call while roaming in San Francisco, at the same time it was a long distance call. That was just one of the calls that hiked up my bill. But she nearly trippled my monthly phone bill.
So my question is will the Q tell you while it's roaming. Like on my past phones it would let you know that you need to push (1) to allow the roam charges. I don't think i've really roamed on my Q.. i went out of town a few weeks ago, but don't recall roaming or anything.
But i'm trying to get the facts straight before i straight girll her with a 101 questions... i just got off the phone with SPRINT just now...long story.. but hey this time i got some EXECLLENT customer service.
i'm just going to run through my phone settings to double check some stuff.. but if anyone has any insite let me know...
700wx Vs. Moto Q = 700wx