Originally Posted by crazychef
what the heck r u guys talking about.. I send 12000+ texts a month and prob receive as many if not more..
ok, Im curious. I used my phone A LOT. I have all my IMs linked to it. I have 4 banks with all my accnts linked and 7 CCs. Any and all daily activity goes to my phone. I havce ppl who would rather text than talk and both Hotmail and Gmail forward all new email notifications from the 3 PPC forums, the 2 Olds forums, the 2 Dodge forums, the local GA forums and one or two others I may mess around in. So with that I think that is more than most ppl. So I am curious on how it is you do 12k+ on texts and the same getting sent to you. I just find that a bit hard to believe. Here is a screenshot of my usage from my VZW bill from last month and this is about average for me.