Re: I'm new to ppc and windows mobile -- a few basic questions
Thanks! (fpr the info and the welcome)
I'm gettiing a bit overwhelmed by the number of choices!
For example, I need a better 'to-do list'/project manager than I see so far in WM. I'm not sure if I'm looking for an a 'to-do list program' or an application that includes that function.
And are TF3D and/or mobile shell just ways to view information you've entered in standard WM programs? For example, it seems the 'People' tab is just a way to display or access contacts you have entered in (what I guess is) the standard WM contacts app, which I'm not crazy about. Mobile Shell seems to have a different way to display contacts - but would I still need to use the standard app to enter them? And if its a different app in Mobile Shell, would the favorites tab in TF3D still be able to display them?
I hope my questions are making sense! Thanks for the help.