Re: sMMS Picture Mail Composer
Originally Posted by guitardoc64
The Sprint app is pretty much a done deal. It is what it is. sMMS is an ongoing project in development. Sprint isn't going to add new features YOU request, much less answer questions or support the app at all. It's a better app, developed on suggestions from the user base by a programmer (SomeGuyMMS) who truly cares about that user base. It wins, period. Try it and you will know too what us sMMS supporters know. Pony up the price of a latte' or a pack of smokes and you get the full features, but the free version still works better than the free Sprint WinPM.
The Sprint app SUCKS anyway.
Thanks again SomeGuy!
Last edited by mrrogers1; 11-30-2008 at 03:40 PM.