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Old 11-30-2008, 01:50 AM
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Re: How To: Kitchens

Originally Posted by highlife22 View Post
In the rom building process where is the error being compiled at? If you look at your buildos afterwards it will tell you the last stage when the error occured, which was it and what other options were you including in your rom?
This doesn't happend during the ROM building process. It happens after the reset once the ROM is flashed.
Once the screen is aligned and date/time set, you get the "Customization: It will automatically customize your device in 3 seconds". It starts doing it's thing, and very quickly I get the error.
I added some OEMs from Calcu's kitchen and it didn't do this before I did that, but I've flashed about six times tonight and keep getting this error.
Got it.
Unselected the Sprint "extras" config and we're almost good. I get through the customization, but I still have a small white blank space in the upper left section of my Today screen. Right below the Start button. And SprintTV still doesn't work right. And the font on the Manila Home is not correct.
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Last edited by Trident; 11-30-2008 at 02:19 AM.
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