Originally Posted by kcallis
My first issue is that the update doesn't update any files... It just seems to hung unless there is just a long time of period that it takes to connect... Also when I try to close updater, it locks up and refuses to close...
I am running Windows XP sp2... I have 2M coming down and 768K going up. I have removed and firewall and anti virus... The updater continues to hang... I think that I have had this running for about 20 minutes and still nothing. First off, is there a way to install natively (bare metal if you will) without the updater? In the mean time, has someone created a VX6700 Cricket-centric ROM that I can use to get me moving forward... Please PM
It can take a long, long time. I've heard of 30 mins, if you've checked tons of stuff. People have significantly better success with updater if they only check 1 or two things at a time.
All the bits and pieces, manually downloadable. No instructions.