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Old 11-29-2008, 12:08 PM
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Re: [11/17] 4.0 IS HERE!!! 32mb Pagepool and SUPER CLEAN

Originally Posted by Talyn View Post
Had more wierd battery happenings last night.
Not sure why.
Went from 56% to 20% really quick.

This phone sure has some quirks.

I was thinking about people complaining about battery life. Well, this phone has a LOT of memory compared to any other phone that I know of (no idea on iphone, but I imagine more) and it would definatly take more battery to keep that Ram going.
Just a though for people I suppose.

I have an issue with Internet sharing crashing occasionally.
It goes along with my other issue, but that's another one.
Anyways, when the connection freezes up for me, the internet sharing program wont close, disconect, or restart properly.
Have to soft reset to get it to work. Cannot manually stop in dot fred.
I will add some weird battery reports:

Every 2-3 nights while I am sleeping and my TP is charging, it shuts off COMPLETELY!! At first I thought it was the drain/stress from using the Pro as a modem for extended periods of time but it happened last night and I haven't used it as a modem in 2 days !!

Strange, I have AWESOME battery life after this rom and the Activesync fix but have been late waking up a couple times because I rely on SPB Time's alarm on my TP and if it shuts off, NO ALARM!!

The other nights that this happened, I was tethering the device for a while on those days and I noticed, as with my previous Touch MP6900, when you tether, you might as well forget about that battery for the day as it just plummits to a certain death if not hooked to a charger all day. I am getting a spare battery cuz I just like to have a fully charged backupo at all times but I have a felling my issue is the device, not the battery. After all, it dies while it's hooked to a wall charger and is in idle all night ?????? I have to take out the battery before it will power up and the battery is 90% plus!

I am starting to wonder if I should take the TP back to the Sprint store and have it replaced........ But the agony of re-doing EVERYTHING I have done is what has prevented me from doing so thus far.

ONE QUESTION: If I backup EVERYTHING with PIM backup (even "my device" which backs up every file/setting) and backup the registry using PHM, will it be easy, once I upgrade to YFJ's 4.0 or 5.0 when it's released, to just restore EVERYTHING? Thank you in advance for any advice!

Last edited by jihadi; 11-29-2008 at 12:27 PM.
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