Okay, so I worked thru the initial issue. It appears I've flashed the 3.42.40 radio and nueROM-M 201 (keeping it basic, I know). But, as one might guess, I've run into another snag - one I haven't seen repeated yet in this thread or elsewhere: After my call w/ vzw tech supp, I have ingoing/outgoing calls but no internet connection.
Per GaMedic's tutorial, I gave them the whole hard-reset-no-authorization-now-please-ineedanewAkey business, but this guy wanted to try a 1/2 dz. other tricks 1st, which eventually allowed me to make/recieve calls. I kept him on the line while I tested PIE & got the username/password is wrong error msg. We checked my data network connection (using "verizon" and "myphonenumber@vzw3g.com" as usernames and vzw as pw) w/ no success. We also (prior to the preceding steps) changed some values in EPST, which I am attempting to recall now. I have soft-reset throughout this process and am wondering if I need to re-flash the ROM again. At this point vzw's tech supp appears to be out of ideas...can anyone help me out (or point me in the right direction to help myself)?? Thanks!