Increase Battery Life without Custom ROM
I feel like I'm attached to an outlet with my Diamond.
I am running PushEffect for ONE account and I have mail2web configured as my outlook email account. I talked on the phone for 14 minutes this morning, and I haven't done anything else with my phone. I've received about 20 emails on my mail2web account and 3 or 4 on the PE monitored account. I am also running SMS Chat, but I don't think this affects my battery. I have made sure I don't have any gps programs open in the background (found that out the hard way one day, oops)
I'm dead after 5 hours.
I have my backlight settings down, I have my unit set to go off after 30 seconds..... Any other suggestions about what to change without flashing my ROM? I'm not comfortable doing that in the first 2 weeks of ownership. I have Diamond Tweak in and some configurations set..