Re: Verizon HTC TOUCH PRO Information
I am so bummed. Waited for this phone to come, finally got the vzw yesterday, activated, played, looked at memory, and I was blown away. 10 mgs free. I have the 6800 for over a year I am on DCD's rom and i have many great programs, great tweaks. and when i have everthing open i have 5 mgs free. Yes on the touch pro the keyboard, the camera & the size all better, but the memory is about equal. I am goin to return my pro tommorrow and wait this one out, Either go to sprint and activate on vzw or wait until some of the great xda & ppc geeks braintrust, develop a clean rom tweak, load and have 50+ meg. Maybe by christmas.....vzw is so dead wrong on this crippling. anti-american. Happy Thanksgiving all.