Originally Posted by saumaun
Wait, so this will make my phone automatically lock when I put it in my pocket [or if it wakes up for a text message in my pocket] and unlock when I take it out?
What if I walk into a pitch black room? Will it lock?
The default setting "AutoLockOnPowerOn" will take care it will indeed be locked. Just power off your device by the Power button and put it in your pocket. This is independent of the light sensor, this is only used for unlocking, because the light sensor is not sensitive enough.
When there is an icoming call, then you just take the phone out of your pocket. In not too dark conditions it will auto-unlock by default within 5 seconds by the light sensor. In dark conditions you can unlock by 2 other means. Triple touch the capacitive sensor area or take out the stylus......
And of course, you can overrule the default behaviour by the settings in post #3 on XDA.