I am a happy geek.
Followed the instructions on the first page of this post to a T.
Excellent results.
A few caveats:
- Make sure the stove is on between 4-5.
- Make sure the water comes to a uniform heat (very slight/light steam)
- Take out the back first
- Leave the stylus in there for a min of 5 min longer (it needed it)
- Rinse and dry as stated
- YOU MUST BUFF (See pic)
- When buffing I used paper towels
- Some color WILL COME OFF when you buff so use paper towels or a cloth you don't care about (See pic)
- Use your fingers to buff suborn areas
- Make SURE you buff the inside of the clear plastic where the camera hole is!
- Buff the strip of clear plastic down the middle
- Remove stylus WITH A METAL SPOON!!! It'll stick to it because it's magnetized. (I lost it in the murky water!)
I'm so happy right now!!!
I used a sharpie to do the USB area. We'll see if it holds.