Originally Posted by mopar64
This is my first post but I wanted to say thanks for all the work that's gone into this. Android is going to be the sh*t I think  I am having a problem though; all the files seem to be in place and correctly named on my sd card, but I seem to be hanging at "Jumping to Kernel" It stayed there for a couple hours. Any idea what I may be doing wrong?
Here's the last bit of my haretlog.txt from my last attempt...
Running WSAStartup
Starting gui
In initdialog
Found machine Apache
executing startup.txt
HaRET(1)# set com "1"
HaRET(2)# set kernel "zImage"
HaRET(3)# set initrd "initrd"
HaRET(4)# set cmdline "root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 mem=64M rootdelay=3 boot_delay=0 console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0 fbcon=rotate:0 androidboot.console=ttyS0 android.checkjni=1
HaRET(5)# bootlinux
boot KERNEL=zImage INITRD=initrd
Opening file zImage
Opening file initrd
boot params: RAMADDR=a0000000 RAMSIZE=04000000 MTYPE=959 CMDLINE='root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 mem=64M rootdelay=3 boot_delay=0 console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0 fbcon=rotate:0 androidboot.console=ttyS0 android.checkjni=1'
Boot FB feedback: 1
Built virtual to physical page mapping
Allocated 485 pages (tags=4C600000/a2956000 kernel=4C601000/a2955000 initrd=4C74D000/a2809000 index=4C7E1000/a2775000)
Built kernel tags area
Built page index
Video buffer at A8500020 sx=240 sy=320 mx=60 my=53
Video Phys FB=5c000020 Fonts=a2773064
preload=2260@4C7E4000/a2772000 sj=4C7E4000 stack=4C7E2000/a2774000 data=4C7E3000/a2773000 exec=a2772128
Reading 1357956 bytes...
Read complete
Reading 603266 bytes...
Read complete
Launching to physical address a2772010
Trampoline setup (tram=136@000255F4/1a0255f4/a09515f4)
MMU setup: mmu=B0890000/a0890000
Go Go Go...