Originally Posted by esqueue
I had some adaters(still packaged) left over from my broken mogul. I also have lots of A/V cables laying around. It would be quite moronic to waste $20 on something that I will probably use only once. There are many reasons for someone to build the cable instead of buying one. Stop being annoying.
At the risk of being annoying.... I was just throwing that info out there for those who don't have 3.5MM to composite cables laying around (decent ones are $5-10 or more), A broken Mogul with spare adapters, or time that is more valueable than sitting around with a magnifying glass and a safety pin trying to bust off a miniUSB pin.
I had 2 Moguls ruined becuse of shorts from bent USB pins and using a magnifying glass, safety pin and jewelers drivers to try and bend them back, was what was truly annoying.