Originally Posted by meetdave
is there any .cab that allows you to change the sequence of flashing lights on the d-pad for a text message, incoming call, email, charging.... etc.
it would be cool if an there was an app that let you choose what lit up, when, and for how long. (on the d-pad, of course - for the touch diamond, touch pro)
p.s. i did search, and i'm not looking for juggalo's notification enhancements app... even though its amazing in itself, its not what i'm going for( but thanks juggalo - you've produced some great stuff)... im also not looking for anything that will change the colors... just the patterns of the white LEDs on the d-pad.
thank you in advance!
im not sure, but i think nueled used to do it on the vogue, maybe an application like such exists for the diamond as well