Originally Posted by gigatigga
Thanks for the support PPC6700Man! Glad someone isn't giving me hell over this.
I did get the replacement, and it works as it should! Wee!
I work in tech support for an ISP, so i've got my fair share of trouble shooting skills, and i exhausted everything before this.
Also, i had more problems than just the power issue, my d pad was screwed, and the touch screen didn't work.
If you guys want me to compare anything between the 2 before i send the other one back lemme know.
Hey no problem giga. I was going to message you in the SU chat to see if you got it resolved (I'm sA900msung from SU.com). I guess for the record, check the versions of the phones to make sure everything is equal. You know, PRL's, software, hardware etc etc. I should be getting mine tomorrow, just got my tracking number now, order placed this morning.