Originally Posted by bkaz
So far one report of 49MB free and 45MB... jmorton10 reports 124 free on his - but that's a Sprint TP running on verizon isn't it?
There is no way I am spending $1 on a verizon TP if it boots with < 50MB. And they expect me to pay more than I would pay anywhere else for a TP.
I am not spending another year messing with kitchens and roms trying to squeeze every last bit of memory out of the verizon POS. We have 7 phones with VZ and most are out of contract. Bye bye VZ!
Yes, jmorton10 has a Sprint TP running on Verizon, and yes, VZW expects us to buy what they're selling, regardless of whether it's what we actually want. I'm done with `em too.