Originally Posted by dstrowl2002
Could this be a bug with Juicy 3.7.1?
I am using the sprint tethering cab I dowloaded from here
Sprint - Tethering Fix Right Here!
Heres A CAB I Created That Will Force ICS To USE Sprint Instead Of PAM. Based Off Of Info Found Here. Verified Working.
Attached Files Tethering.zip (1.4 KB, 2142 views)
When I started internet sharing, the window showed status as disconnected, and I could choose "USB" or "Bluetooth PAN". But I couldn't click the connect button to change from disconnected to connected, as it was in freeze status.
I tried soft reset the system. It also did not allow me to remove the program. Before I could use internet sharing through phone as modem.
Is this working for anyone or you have same problem? Or can you tell me how to fix it?
If this is like what I experienced ('connect' is greyed-out in ics, though opera and the like all work fine on the phone), try this: settings menu -> connections (under connections tab) -> modem tab... there should be one listing there, some name with number #777. If that name isn't 'Sprint' (mine was 'DATA'), hit edit and change it to that. Then I did a soft reset and it worked fine.