Originally Posted by Noodle
Now my biggest question is there somthing different about the palm headset that comes with the phone as opposed to just a basic 2.5 to 3.5mm adaptor. I don't feel like dropping $20 - $30 on a new headset just to find out it really is another defective phone.
There certainly is something different!
The one you need is not a "normal" 2.5 jack adapter but rather one made for these devices...in which case a RadioShack version will most likely cause what you are experiencing.
I highly recommend
THIS one (strange, they used to have many more) or look to by Seidio's full retractable stereo headphone kit (it's like $54 though) but is top-notch.
Also, I should point out that audio jack problems on the Treo line is not uncommon. It is less so with the 700w/x series but being rough on the jack etc has been known to loosen it and cause issues (e.g. it breaks and then you can't use the earpiece anymore). This is not to say that thousands of people don't use it every single day for a MP3 player with zero issue...