Re: What is everyone using to switch between task ?
Just a reminder, you might want to disable the HTC Task Manager and the "X" buttons by going to the Settings -> System ->Task Manager -> Button tab and uncheck both Enables. This way it will not conflict with WKTask.
As for your question, you can "hide" the tasks such as the TouchFlo and ActiveSync, by click and holding the "icon", then select "Settings for xxx", check "Hide Always" so it will not show up in the WKTask's task bar.
Also you can press and hold the right upper corner of the screen and wait for a pop-up menu, select "Preferences...", then check "Hide the Task-list when there are no tasks". That would hide the WKTask taskbar when there is no running tasks.
Browse the settings for WKTask, you can customize it to exactly how you want it. Oh yes it has a battery level indicator line on the top of the screen as well.