Originally Posted by Suz416
I know sometimes when I'm saving a CAB it will only let me put it in certain areas, Im assuming that will tell me which things NEED to be in internal memory?
This crap is so confusing. It's making me want to throw my Diamond and go back to Palm.
I think you mean when you are installing a cab? I have all my cabs SAVED to my Internal Storage so I can use them again later if needed. I always install to internal storage unless the forum thread or website I am downloading says that it has to be loaded on the phone. It will always default to store on phone....doesn't mean that is where you should put it.
Palm is getting outdated...they really haven't done much to change it up lately. Fewer and fewer Palm devices. Even some Palm phones are running WM now. Mostly WM, Blackberry, and now Andriod?