Re: Ultimate Bluetooth Spy! - ??????
Honestly I think its as simple as this. kids that age don't need a cellphone. I know hibby doesn't want to hear that, but its more a maturity thing than an actual age(meaning I am not saying you shouldn't have your phone hibby). Honestly, I was that age not to terribly long ago. (I am 23 now) I had a cellphone around that age(13 I believe was when I got my first phone) only because my mother worked for big V and it was a great tool to keep in contact with the family. I was responsible with the phone, never went over my minutes or texts. If you don't feel you can trust them with a phone without you watching over your back then simply take the phones away until you can trust them.
If my mother tried to monitor all my texts and what not then I would have just found a different way to communicate with my friends... like actually seeing them and doing something. At that point kids will swear and do stupid things especially boys beating the crap out of eachother. It's all a learning experience if all they learn is to not do bad things because of fear, then just try to imagine what happens when the fear goes away.
Teach them to act rightly because it is right and not because they will get in trouble.