Originally Posted by maedhros77
Doesn't work for me. I have microsoft .net cf 3.5, downloaded the cab and ran, didnt work. soft reset, still not working. All it tells me when I run it is "there has been an error retrieving your MSL. Get in touch with BAF for more assistance, and to report the issue, Thanks!" I have an HTC Touch Pro, stock ROM, with Sprint.
Try a soft reset. Some people have random issues. If not, tell me what rom, what tweaks you have, etc. Also, did the phone flip to flight mode when it didn't work?
Originally Posted by hillb54
i installed it and it didnt work at first! the trick is soft reset. you may want to add that in the install instructions. works like a charm. great app
Soft reset shouldn't normally be required. The
only time I've been able to reproduce the not working bug is with an active data connection. Were you in flight mode when it happened (or did you click no it wasn't OK to do flight mode)? Did you have wifi on by any chance?